......................................A N D R O M E D A J O N E S

Sunday, December 28, 2008


Duke has managed to get all my money. rent is going to be another story. at least i will be able to have a hot shower and write more of these stupid little blogs.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

jalapeno ) totally worth it though

i hurt my hands while playing with jalapenos and knives. they are going to be burning for days, but the soup turned out spectacularly, as good as soups are able to turn out. no recipe was used, except for the faith of all good veggies in boiling water will produce something of good taste. salt and pepper can come and hang out too, but next time i am going to wear some gloves. this will be burning for a few days. totally worth it though.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

imaginative retrospection, collage of our conversation, homestead choreographer: we should do this everyday.

silver lining

Child abuse, but i'm not one to judge. lets go smoke a joint, sir. hell yes dude, quality! our conversations, you could put these things on tape. fathead, above scott, he wouldn't talk to us for a week internet rhinestone dildo. suction cups. super glue. sperm whale, he won't notice, he's a lawyer, valet parking so and so. this has been a plan for a while, make a whole big yard ornament. Black rhinestone dildo. Back yard? over, fucking sideways, buy a new set next year. sufficient? our yard tomorrow. he says he can. something like that. mortgage, utilities, third, left, whatever. pool, that's his only condition, in the jaw. i'm not living with *****, horses are bad room-mates. I wish there was a rewind button. Doin this? Avondale, couple of exits down, three car garage, part owner? Pay this much. combined credit scores. he's come a lot further than me, but still, fuck it. we'll see, that's the thing we haven't talked about yet. this is the thing, i can't do anything unless you sign on it to, three years. Are you committed to your man? Investment. eight months. pick up a house, 500,000, 300,000 dollars, that would be a significant investment. 401K? First time home buyer, up to three thousand, not penalized for it. certain things. mine's good. The last four years, 3 to 5 percent a year, whoa! Different person than me. Big house, status. who you are... Tyler Durden. Your status symbol, that's fucking bullshit.

Necessity, well, looking at an investment, care about just to fucking 50,000 more than lock myself into something that would destroy me, get nothing off me, store. Toys- take you, alright, ain't fair. Loot dude, tell me, shit without me. Saturdays. Christmas. Turret's for christmas. BITCH BIG LEG TITTIES. Wesley Willis, sight to see. same shit, abilifide, r-tane. hate that shit- Zion takes. Sit there, like.... sleep. FRONT ROOM HAMMOND B-3. So freaky about it. he would love it if you did, actually, kitchen or his bedroom, new movie, Eastwood. Preview, gangs... the word movie just started yea, do not know that name, did Vego Morrison, McCarthy, promises, I want to see a spirit. Mortenson. Ain't seen it. Stars, Encore, always have some bullshit excellent adventure, die hard three, die hard again and again and Rambo will you at it fucking die for good for real this time Peter Griffin gots a mustache hey Tracy fuck you'll see. Talk about that city down the hill of hell our own district a DICK-taster-ship that's awesome. Can I bring secretary, toll booth willie game stop bouncer executioner? Keanu Reeves... aw, i understand, except that one, twenty questions talks about all his movies ten stuntmen pointbreak before that one was cool too. god love it, Tia's favorite movie, third one was fucking shit. Story line i don't know what they were thinking about a million dollars one left, which is...
Hell is the mid-life crisis bag lady.
Next year. Fucked up first five books gross of all times.
Fantasy novels, came at the right time religious people, okay?
buyin the last book. I was thinkin eighteen million mega lion biggest fuckin cat that ever lived, except i'd be fifteen feet twelve inch claws long run out of meat. Article today, Mariemont, Montgomery, don't have anywhere to go, full of snakes, department of Steve Irwin and shit, infestation. Keep them for a while, terrified of them, he's screaming. One thing he hates. I will fucking kill you I can't stand, as long as not really huge, can handle it.
Reptiles? David Icke, heard of him too. Bush is a reptile, straight lizard- camilion. saw two Iraqi shoes silver lining black president, never thought about it like that it was like the matrix. Maybe it was set up. He's probably dodges a lot of stuff more than welcome.

imaginative retrospection
collage of our conversation
homestead choreographer:
we should do this everyday

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


heater on my feet and lower legs makes me smile lots. the return of my estranged room mate is going to be fun. i am not making any dinner tonight. it's not too cold outside right now. i am going to go listen to a record. hellls yeauh!

Monday, December 22, 2008

this one's by me, no title to this one...

circles unseen and yet so apparent:
only when traveled upon again does realization visit.
footsteps in the grass past fit my feet well,
i'll just keep on asking the question.

Sunday, December 21, 2008


the song 'sealegs,' written by James Mercer, the Shins.... awesome. especially this time of year. makes me. think.

Friday, December 19, 2008

and it's still friday, i can't believe it. so much has happened since the last time i wrote on this. azyah fell asleep so long ago.


getting UP early to get work DONE with early is quite nice, and it also helps that i do not require too many hours of sleep at night to function effectively in the day. I like this, i think i can chill with this job for a LONG minute. also, weekends off to effectively tend to my love for whiskey while being loud and obnoxious. sweet. now i just have to figure out how to take care of the energy bill without giving them all my whiskey money.
this thing i call my blog, it comes in handy since i have not been able to recall what day it is for weeks and weeks. sweetness. again.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

the carpet is slippery and i am a klutz.

so, i am trying to type something of value in here everyday, well, at least when i remember to. this is one of the days i remembered to do so.
azyah's holiday show is today after she gets out of school, it should really be a lot of fun. the snow is piling up inch after inch, and the kids will be singing about snow and reindeer while they use the puppets they have made. i can't wait, and i have a camera to make sure i get at least a few pictures. it only holds about three since i don't have a memory card for the little slot thing on the side, but that's okay, at least i will be able to get at least a few.
the snow.
it's really coming down out there.
i like it,
but i hate to sled. too many stubbed and numb toes, too many sticks in the eye, the wind is cold and punishing. it's nice to look at from the yellow chair in my living room while hot bean soup is cooking on the stove all day long.
maybe i just need to purchase some more long sleeved shirts and warm pants. maybe i just need to have a proper coat. but then, with all this global warming going on more intensely as the years go by, maybe the act of buying more warm clothes would be a bad economic act. well, i can always just pile on three shirts with two scarves and double up my socks at all times, and keep my belly full of hot green tea and bread. it's been working for me so far this winter. i can still feel my toes, but i still can't feel them when i fall up the steps, which is about everyday in this house. the carpet is slippery and i am a klutz.

Saturday, December 13, 2008


getting up at 2:30 rocks. as long as it's in the afternoon.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

I will go and type it now in my little blogger.com website.

So yes,
this gathering of words just popped up into my head, a voiceful forced singing, reedy tonation, "What ever you do take care of your shoes." Memories of smiles floating all around me, a blur of beautifully spectrumed lights hitting all aspects of my vision, intensified greatly by the chemicals- but mostly, by just being there at that moment, with everybody else, such a lovely fucked up mess and tangle of people, all there for basically the same thing- to have fun and to be a part of something closer to the level of freedom they all desire deep down, to be a part of a community of people all having a good time- smiles smiles smiles. Dreadlocks, phat veggie burritos and quesadillas, Sammy Smith Tadcasters, lost shoes, parties by the car. Lovely chance happenings, Serendipity more apparent and definitely more often than found in the predictable normality of everyday life-
So yes, why not, let's do THIS everyday? Yes... 'Work like you don't need the money, love like you never been hurt, DANCE like nobody is watching...' because, really the only one that matters when you perform such a lovely and sacred ritual such as dancing, it's really all about You. YOU getting IN to a state of being and feeling higher than was before, and realizing the ability and capacity to do this at all times in your life everyday. Dance can be done while cooking, writing, drawing, driving, dishes, working- to TRY to be in contact and to also ALWAYS be in contact with that which is beautiful and amazing, ONE with the energy we are all a part of. Which yes, this is always really the case, but to strive to be more aware of the connection and have grace to float around in the world with happiness and fluidity... Conscious of the other planets and worlds which exist out of our eye's sight but in plain view of the mind's eyesight. Everything works out and always will be- knowing this fact is the key to a stress free and healthy state of mind i have come to find out. And, as for those things that we honestly have no doubt about, that which we truly know within ourselves, will manifest and BE. Manifestation of goodness- goodness- my hand hurts from all this lovely writing. I will go and type it now in my little blogger.com website.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

an even bigger one than i am.

i have quit my job at the corporate place of coffee and hell and leaped over to greener pastures. hopefully my glasses aren't just being green and that shit really is nice to smell. getting fooled can be a bitch. an even bigger one than i am.