......................................A N D R O M E D A J O N E S

Saturday, July 23, 2011

although i knew the true nature of a certain person's intentions, it became all the more greatly apparent with the happenings of life that have unfolded in the last few days. I've always knew that there are people in this world who are just mean. Sometimes this is due to not dealing well with all of childhood's ups and downs, sometimes this is due to not dealing well with all of adulthood's ups and downs, sometimes it's for other reasons, but whatever the deal, it still doesn't necessarily make it right, and it still doesn't make it completely wrong. it's just how it is. for whatever reason, there are people in this world who just hate themselves or the circumstances they have surrounded themselves with, and they are so fucked in the head that they feel they have to bring other people down. they love to see people suffer, manipulate others emotionally to get the results they want for their own personal gain, and step on others to make their way to the top of whatever shit mountain they have decided is the top of the game they want to play. when she gets to the top, all that's going to be there is herself, the person she hates the most. insanely jealous of others' happiness, truly unhappy with herself and how incredibly ugly her real self is. and maybe this will be the only time she will be able to see herself, when she is alone completely, with no one to bring down or manipulate, maybe she will learn to bring herself up without the faculty of bringing others down so she can feel good. But, most very likely, since she has been this way for as long as EVERYBODY can remember, she won't change. But, hopefully, she'll just take to screaming uncontrollably and pull all of her fake-ass hair out from her head, scratch little marks all over her face, bust some of those teeth out, and rip those expensive money clothes from her ugly ass. oh, but there i go, just rambling about things that will eventually happen, given the certainty of karma and the way it finds itself into everything that exists on this crazy planet. i used to feel sorry for this certain individual, given the facts that she had a shaky up-bringing, but then, i came to realize that she was manipulating me in to thinking that way in the first place. sure, she might have had a fucked up childhood, but really, everybody has a rough way way to go- that's just how it is- but making other people feel sorry for you, or making people do things for you because you made them worry about you, this is wrong, and the bitch knows it, even though she might try to justify her actions in her own head , convincing herself that she really is a good person and that she really deserves special treatment so she will just have to manipulate others in to treating her like the ultimate COOL queen she really really reaaalllly is. (LOL... wants to be.)
Well, she'll grow old and more alone, burning all bridges and growing progressively more ugly as the evil witch comes seeping out of her pores as she ages, her true, hideous self , completely out for all the world to see and know that that is what becomes of people who step on others to make themselves happy.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Austin Texas

"So, what are you in to? Well, I like skinny skiing, going to bull fights on acid... And what do you enjoy?"
This movie I am watching out of the corner of my eye whilst I hop around the internet looking for sweet spring roll type recipes:
~wow, it's funny. Bill Murray plays a spacey golf course gopher exterminator, and during the movie, a little side note appeared in the bottom ticker line, "There were no lines written for Bill Murray's character. All the acting seen here is improvised." That, is awesome, because he is the funniest character in the whole movie.
~And now the kitten is pathetically sweetly mewing outside the big wooden doors, it's a dreadfully cold and windy night outside against the big doors he so wishes to enter through, but alas, he cannot get inside to the luxurious warm where the beautiful woman is being betrayed by the man in a turban. The sand is beating against the doors fast, and his little mews are drown out by the sands' crashing intensity...
~His DNA matches that which was found at the crime scene.... and we also find that an innocent man was sitting behind bars, 25 years after the crime was committed, and now, 25 years after the crime was committed, the innocent man was sent free.
~Friends with benefits. Rated R.
~I trust. NO one.
~Asking everyday drivers to shoot straight with us about the all new 2012 Hyandai Sonata.
~Now she can spend more times with patients and less time doing paper work, Thank You Dell! You are AMAZING! Save more for your child's college fund! AMAZING!
The random things spitting out of the idiot box, it just keeps coming, keeps coming, keeps coming. My little girl has been under the weather the last few days and we've been laying around watching a lot of television. It is an endless plea to spend money for any possible thing thought up by some person in a far, far, away land... probably known as California. Maybe known as my back yard last Tuesday at five PM. Who knows really, we can only know that it is definitely not from Tallahassee, Florida. And not Austin Texas. And not Detroit, Michigan. I like that place. Not so much the other two before mentioned, though.