......................................A N D R O M E D A J O N E S

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

woolfs are funny characters.

i think it's real funny when another person talks about you right in front of you, and they don't think you know that they are talking about you, but you know those comments are directed at you: i paid attention in class. i remember what was said. hilarious.


it's really hard to swallow if you are looking up to the sky.

Monday, August 30, 2010


the reds are being awesome. my friends are awesome. everything rules. that is all.

Friday, August 20, 2010

why dog, why?

everything is still and calm, i wait for my love to make it home, the dog is on my chest falling asleep slowly, his eyes close eventually with a little eyelash flicker. shortly, i will be surrounded by lots of drunk people and loud rock music, alcoholic drink in my hand to take the edge off. sweetness. now if only i could get this dog to not pee on my rug whenevr i leave, everything would be cool. but at least he is sweet while i'm around. evil when left to his lonesome. why must he piss on my rug at the foot of my bed? why?

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


so i've been checking out different schools to send my little gurl to. wow, to decide which school seems less evil, which one will let her be an artist, which one will appreciate her yittle crazy nature and let it flourish... i don't want to send her to any school except the one she's already involved with. i wish she could stay in kindergarten for the rest of her school days. and anyway, all we really need to know we have learned in kindergarten anyway, right?