......................................A N D R O M E D A J O N E S

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

wealth in the winter

sitting on the couch, laugh tracks encompass all that is going on at the moment,
i'm so sick of hearing the stupid people's conversations and relationships played out in half an hour segments,
all things known to them fall apart and come back together again, more tightly knit and feel good then they ever thought possible,
ever before, it's all about the half an hour time segment that must get fulfilled, it's not about the fulfillment of the watcher's intelligence or entertainment, it's really all about the fulfillment of perpetuating the machine that enslaves all who fall victim. this happens more and more whenever it's cold outside, the masses are seemingly trapped inside for larger amounts of darkness and time, larger amounts of time that could be filled up with the betterment of humanity, but, most of which are wasted upon things that make them even more unintelligent, undernourished, and uninspired to do anything more than to just stare at that which is killing his drive to create, and killing his ability to pull himself up or out of any and all that is not letting his soul and energy be amazing.

legs kicked up over the arm of the couch, arms behind your head, eyes half open, drifting away, away, away,
relax, take it easy whilst they control your thoughts: you desire to be poor, you desire to be unamazing, you desire to strive to mediocrity to the point of no return.
all possible is lost beneath covers of lies, drift away, make them money, work until you die and owe them money still.

i desire to possess wealth of knowledge, inspiration to create every day of my natural life, ability to do so with passion, and able to inspire all those who touch me to follow my lead: leave the horrible path of money and destruction, turn to smart sustainability, wealth of knowledge, love of people: protect and nurture that which is the most important resource of all, the human being. i just want everybody to be free, the wealth of money isn't working out.

Monday, December 13, 2010


would love to, but i can't. been meaning to, but i haven't. been stuck, that's all, but at least i'm stuck in a comfortable place. although, i wonder if i wasn't stuck if things could be even better than they are now. my mind wanders of such things while i sit here in front of my computer, warm, and with comfortable clothing all around me. my daughter is fed well and loved, she plays with her many toys that are scattered all around her room, i hear her little bells and things hitting the floor while she tinkers, her little shoes make clips on the floor, her grandma bought her a pair of shiny high heeled shoes with little black straps that clip clop on the old wood floors.

this desk is so cluttered that nothing organized can come from it, nothing worth of note, nothing has been being created for months and months now. would love to but i can't. been meaning to but i haven't. so far gone and in the hole that nothing i attempt will change what's on my plate.

...the glimmer of hope is created by it all falling down, by it all falling down, by it all falling down. we don't have to worry anymore about these numbers they create to keep us slaves, ignorant of what's been done throughout the years, and even the years themselves were created to keep us slaves and away from the power and audacity of the real cycles of the sun. the week is making us weak. the work week is not working in our favor, sunday should be every day, for we should worship the star for which everything revolves around. if only we could change society on such a grand scale, but wow, what an undertaking... wow. it's gotta start small and continue on until it encompasses all that exists, becoming everything.

this cluttered desk organization piles up high with afterschool activities, i didn't finish school at all, and don't plan to. all of that school is lost and shall never be found, there's nothing to find and no one to thank and no one to blame, it is what it is and i'll just be prepared when it all goes away. i'll just be prepared for when it all goes away, the streets will be gone but we'll know how to get there when it's time. i'm ready for it all to go away, it's all changing before our eyes and before we'll know exactly what's going on it'll be done. i just want to get past all this and reach the real american freedom, freezing in the december snow i'll be happy to burn the fuck outta my money in the aftermath. we'll make all the tea we have layin around, it's all old and stale but it'll taste so good when we need it. fuck it, i'm tired of being tired for all these rich people, making them richer and richer and richer with the money they make even more worthless everyday, they make it harder and harder for us working people to survive. i'm really sick of paying them and paying them and paying them and paying them. we should all look for ways to work away from the dependency of money. tight societies and understandings between people have proven to work for centuries, money was created to make trade easier between long distances, if we try to work away from these long distance relationships, we can slowly learn how to live in a better and more sustainable way. indeed yes, it is an amazing thing that we can talk to each other across the world, and we can pass along information, but our primary day to day living activities, processes, and outlooks must move and strive towards a dependency on local people, places, and things. to have a vehicle in ohio that runs on fossil fuels from alaska is not a good thing. to furnish your house with goods made in china is not a good thing. but how can we change all that we have created over these last few hundred years? it's going to be hard, as all major changes are in the beginning. but everything will become easier in time. we as a human race have proven to be adaptable over the years, and we will be just fine as soon as we figure it all out. i don't have all the answers, not one of us will, but i believe that we as a whole people will have the answer if we all work for each other, and work towards the betterment of everyone...

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

the spell checker says i should capitalize days of the week but i'm not going to. fuck you spell checker. you can just fuck off however you please.

i wake up and always find, but always to my surprise, absolutely nothing and nobody right in front of me that was about to engage in pleasant and insightful conversation, a conversation to top all conversations past, present, and eons to come, monumentous in existence of this brief moment in the time all humans breathe. everything is all about me. hey, it's the dream fairy stopping by myu head this night. i woke up right after this little ditty, sorta laughed and was confused about it. shit i've had much weirder dreams than that one. yea. well, it or she or he could have been holding a gun instead of holding thoughts that needed to get out to the worthy individual standing at twelve o' clock. or it could be a cat. with fleas. or the RAGE!!!!! AAAAAAAAHHHH!!!! Zombie C A T !
that would actually be greatness.... okay.....
lets see...

it was tuesday and the sun was just coming out from behind the dark blue earth curtain, all was still and white milky hazed. she lay breathing peacefully next to her future husband.

to be continued. i got the notes right here. this shit will be fucking awesome!!!!!!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

there is good news to be told, but no one will answer the phone. so no news is good news? but what if there is no way to tell anyone about the amazing thing that has just come across my path, my feet are happy. my phone is by my side, as always, but alas, no one calls me back or cares that i called. but this will not damper my smile, however. i'll just let everybody know when i am holding it in front of their faces.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

here is some of my art.... i'm posting this again. enjoy!

Monday, November 15, 2010

they do not

so i got my little girl this book that on the back it reads, "Boys of all ages like to play the young scientist, show off with card tricks, and solve mind bending puzzles. they want to know it all, try things out, and amaze their friends. they like to experiment, repair, and create."

wtf, this sounds like me. andrea=little boy.

i got the book for my little girl because it said it has all kinds of activities in it, lots of stuff for her to check out. my girl is awesome. boys smell funny.

i'm listening to viva radio, www.viva-radio.com
so many great dj's, and so may different styles. someone even has a show dedicated solely to 'obscure cassette sounds from the african continent.' (wow) it's really cool. i like how all the wird string instruments are tuned in a different scale, some sweet weirdness in comparison to our 'every good boy does fine' and 'face.' ha.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

lovely early and still cincinnati. pun intended. and of course, the fly girls, fuck yea.

just got done eating mcdonald's finest breakfast i have ever partaken of ever everest ever, all is well in my stomach, at least for now, well, until the coffee sets in and i have to take the most humongous shit ever known to mankind. sipping out of the styrofoam death trap makes it all even better, the deathtrap that knows no end to its ugly and wastoid styled life, a life much like mine feels at this very moment after hanging out with its evil shade of white styrofoam for these minutes: i am waiting to go in to work, yes, weirdly, i have arrived early today to chase the dollar at the little restaurant. anticipation of chasing death got me out of bed early this morning, i really don't know why, but hey, i'll go with it. it gives me a chance to write with the wifi from my car in a downtown parking spot. lovely early and still cincinnati.

i watched a ton of television yesterday. a fucking ton. mass. it's weird too, i usually don't do such things on my days off. i have errands to do, people to do or people to see, shit to get accomplished. but yesterday there was not a damm thing for my unproductive ass to do. i did end up actually going out of the house, but only for about an hour or so. it was with my friend sarah, she wanted to g o to plato's closet and try to sell some of our cklothing that we don't wear anymore. they didn't want any of my shit, which was surprising, since all my shit is awesome. i just didn't understand... but back to the point of me and the amount of television i watched yesterday: yes, it was a lot. this is due to the fact that i actually have cable now. i enjoy it still, the novelty phase has not worn off yet surprisingly. there was an hour filled of laughter from 'in living color,' that show is one of the funniest shows i have ever seen; i love the style and the way it tackled societal racial issues. fuckin funny as hell, laughing out loud. ....homie don't play that?!?!? are you fuckin for real Damon Waynes? he plays some lame ass house husband now on some disney television show, complete with a background laugh track. minus societal racial issues. my daughter loves the hell out of that Disney show, though. there are some funny things that happen, yes, but goodness. goodness. bring back homie the clown, handy man, and the homeless dude that carried a jar of his piss with a pickle inside of it. fuck! that shit makes me laugh out loud right now as i write. the characters those brothers came up with on that show, along with jim carrey and kelly coffield park... wow. fuckin genius. and of course, the fly girls. fuck yea.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

dogs, dancing, and bugs

we jumped up and down on my bed to rock records, then i got dizzy and lay down for a bit. we ate pizza. the dog stole a piece bigger than him, he ate it all in about one minute, a great feat being that he is only about two pounds. now she is doing homework humming a tune she has made up most likely. her songs usually consist of dogs, dancing, and bugs.